
Senior Consultant
Dale has over 36 years of law enforcement experience. Between May of 2013 and August of 2015, Dale served as the Acting Chief of Police for two different communities in southern Wisconsin who were seeking experienced leadership to ensure continuity and quality of service delivery until their new chiefs could be recruited and hired.
Prior to those interim positions Dale rose through the ranks to Assistant Chief of Police from the UW-Madison Police Department. Since retiring from the university he has continued to hone his law enforcement and leadership skills. He currently serves a special investigator for Title IX complaints in the UW-Madison Office of Compliance and he serves as an Ombuds for the UW-Madison Faculty and Staff.
He is a past president of the City of Fitchburg, Wisconsin Police and Fire Commission and the Fitchburg Lions Club. Dale is a past president of the Dane County Chiefs of Police Association and the Wisconsin Chapter of the International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators (IACLEA). He also served for several years on the legislative committee of the Wisconsin Chiefs of Police Association (WCPA) and was a member of the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP). Burke is a graduate of Northwestern University’s School of Staff and Command (82nd class).
Chief Burke has been retained by law firms, communities and institutions to conduct independent investigations and/or reviews for a variety of law enforcement related and employment issues. While the majority of his expertise centers on his in-depth knowledge of how academic institutions function, an ongoing desire to learn and willingness to assist have resulted in an increased and more diverse knowledge base and skill set.
An outgoing personality with excellent inter-personal and problem-solving skills, Dale brings specific expertise to the areas of personnel investigations, department reviews, ethics, public relations, crisis planning/communications/response, dignitary protection, and event planning for The Riseling Group.